One Killed in Portland as Protesters, Trump Supporters Clash

Police say one man was shot dead late Saturday in the northwestern U.S. city of Portland, Oregon as Black Lives Matter dissidents and supporters of President Donald Trump conflicted in the lanes. A convention supporting the U.S. pioneer brought several trucks brimming with supporters into the city, some of whom fired paintball firearms from the beds of pickup trucks, while nonconformists on the road tossed questions back at them. A police articulation said officials heard hints of gunfire and "found a casualty with a shot injury to the chest. Clinical reacted and established that the casualty was perished." Early Sunday, Portland police boss Chuck Lovell stated, "This viciousness is totally inadmissible, and we are working tirelessly to discover and secure the individual or people dependable." Witnesses said the white man who was murdered was wearing a cap with the emblem of Patriot Prayer, a Portland-based, far-right gathering that has recently conflicted with nonc...