Customs authorities lost a purse worth Rs 31 lakh for not getting an import grant of Rs 8,000

 Australian customs officials have confiscated a والی 18,900 crocodile skin handbag from a woman who did not buy a 50 50 import permit.

The handbag was seized at the Perth Air Cargo Depot, according to Australian Border Force officers. It was bought by a woman from Western Australia at St. Laurent Boutique in France

The handbags were seized on suspicion of being involved in the wildlife poaching trade.

Officials say crocodile skin products are not banned in Australia, but there are strict rules due to international agreements.
Authorities said the woman obtained an export permit from France but could not obtain an import permit in Australia. Customs officials destroyed the bag but did not fine the woman. The woman found the bag for Thousnds 18,900, or about Rs. 3.1 million


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